Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Opening day at the Asylum!

November 19, 2015


-- It is here that you will find the dark of the heart --
-- the strange and bizarre --

Because we all have a bit of darkness buried deep within us, a curiosity for that which lays hidden and out of sight from the person which we let others see in the light!


The Story of a Serial Killer
Anatoly Onoprienko

     Anatoly Yuriyovych Onoprienko was born in the village of Lasky, in Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukrainian SSR, Sovet Union on July 25, 1959 and was the younger of two sons belonging to Yuri Onoprienko, a hero of the Soviet Union during World War II. When he was four, his mother died and for a time, he was cared for by his grandparents and an aunt before being turned over to an orphanage in the village of Privitnoe. According to Onoprienko, he resented his father for giving him away while his brother, who was 13 years older, continued to stay at home. In one interview, Onoprienko alleged that it was this that predetermined his destiny and remarked that seventy percent of those brought up at the orphanage ended up in prison as adults. He grew up to hate and despise the family unit that had been denied to him in his childhood and in 1989, after years of mental problems and menial jobs, Onoprienko killed his first victims at the age of 30, which in terms of the average age for serial killers, was old. But over the next five years he made up for his slow start, killing 11 others individually and virtually going unnoticed by local authorities.
     Onoprienko began his murderous campaign in 1989 with Serhiy Rogozin, and accomplice when the two robbed and killed 9 people, the first being a couple who had been standing by their Lada car on a motorway. "I just shot them." He later said of the murders. "Not that it gave me pleasure, but because I felt this urge. From then on it was almost like some video game!" He'd gone on to say. "corpses are ugly. They stink and send out bad vibes. Once I killed 5 people and then sat in the car with their bodies for 2 hours, not knowing what to do with them. The smell was unbearable!" He later claimed that he had been hearing voices since the age of seven and it was these voices that drove him to murder. 

     For a time, the voices in his head were still. He made attempts to work as a sailor for a while and then he went to university to study forestry but in the later part of 1995, he once more went on a murder spree, this time alone and over the next 6 months, killed 43 people. In March of 1996, police began to panic as the number of bodies rose and soon, a manhunt was launched across western Ukraine involving over 2,000 police and 3,000 miltia, when eight families were brutally murdered in their homes. Many of Onoprienko's victims lived in remote villages in the Lvov region near the border with Poland. He blew the doors off homes on the edges of villages, gunning down adults and battering children with metal objects. He stole money, jewelry, stereo equipment and other items before burning down the house. His blood lust climaxed with a 3 month massacure, where he began the systematic slaughter of families in the villages of Bratkovichi and Busk. Troops were mobilized in the area to try and assist those still living in the area as well as trying to catch the man who had been dubbed "The Terminator."

     Finally, on April 16, 1996, 37 year old Anatoly Onoprienko was arrested at his girlfriend's house in Zhitomir, western Ukraine after one of his own relatives, a cousin, who informed on him to police when he discovered his stash of weapons and other items. He was found with a 12-guage, TOZ-34 shotgun and numerous other weapons which would eventually be linked to several of the murders, along with a number of other items he took from his victims including an engagement ring his girlfriend had been wearing, which he'd obtained by cutting off the ring finger of one of his victims. Already known to authorities, when he was finally arrested, he quickly confessed to 8 of the killings, but denied all of the others which police had been able to link him to. 


     At his trial, which began in November of 1998, Onoprienko stated that he felt like a robot driven for years by a dark force and that he shouldn't be tried until they could determine the source of this force. During interrogations by police, he had claimed that he was the center of a conspiracy by Interpol and the CIA, his attorney making attempts to get him declared unfit to stand trial which failed. Onoprienko had claimed to have special powers and that he had information that not even the President had access to. He said he had permission to kill from another world but did not explain further. He went on to say that he had been prepared to kill his own son.

Onoprienko was found guilty in the end and sentenced to death. Due however to Ukraine having pledged as a member of the Council of Europe to suspend capital punishment and eventually ban it, his death sentence was never carried out. His sentence was commuted to life in prison in August of 1999.
On August 27, 2013 at the age of 54, Anatoly Onoprienko died in prison of a heart attack.
In total, between 1989 and 1996, he committed 52 murders, murdering 43 of his victims within a six month time frame. In an interview prior to his death he stated that he never felt any remorse and said that if he were ever to be let out of prison, he would start killing again. He viewed what he did was akin to like hunting deer. He would be sitting bored and the thought would enter into his head and the only way he could rid himself of the thought was to act upon it. He considered what he was doing as a process of culling the herd.



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